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    Aquí 5 discos de "Musique du Monde"
    martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009
    Aquí 5 discos de "Musique du Monde".

    Soazig - Chant e harpe celtiques - 1985
    mp3, 160

    Enfant, Soazig revendiquait déjà ses origines bretonnes et celtiques, mais c'est à l'âge de 18 ans qu'elle prend vraiment conscience du mal qui frappe la Bretagne. Pour sauver la la culture bretonne, elle se lance dans deux apprentissages parallèles, celui de sa langue maternelle et celui de la harpe.

    Elle s'inscrit dans une filière classique mais apprend en même temps auprès de sa grand-mère des chants traditionnels bretons, tel le magnifique Ar Soudarded.

    Elle a obtenu le premier prix dans la catégorie harpe et chant au Festival Interceltique de Killarney. Elle se consacre maintenant à l'écriture de contes celtiques et donnent des spectacles où elle entremêle histoires, chansons et pièces instrumentales pour harpe.

    01 Ar soudarded
    02 Kenavo cill airne
    03 Tricolored ribborn
    04 Marv pontkalleg
    05 Suite gavotte
    06 Al labous marv
    07 Brezhoneg
    08 Miss Mac Dermott
    09 Lonely banna strand
    10 Marche de Brian Boru
    11 Ul lizher d'eus Paris
    12 Pennherez keroulaz
    13 Brezhoneg

    Es un discazo espectacular. Hacía tiempo que buscaba el disco (había escuchado sólo unos temas sueltos) y finalmente hace poco me lo pasó un amigo de taringa. Bellísima la voz de Soazig.

    Touareg De Féwet - Ensemble Weddey - Libye: Musiques du Sahara

    1 Tassaloft
    2 Chetma
    3 Tassilé
    4 Tadzi-out
    5 Illok-Illok
    6 Analla
    7 Tanakalouit
    8 Tara Torna
    mp3, 192

    Weddey (Kanari) et son ensemble est un groupe d'enfants ou de petits-enfants de musiciens traditionnels, trés populaire dans la région.

    C'est un groupe mixte qui utilise le luth et toutes sortes de jambés fabriqués localement.

    Les mélodies et les caractéristiques du répertoire interprétés sont fidèles à la musique traditionnelle dont sont inspirés les textes et les rythmes.

    Encontrado originalmente en:

    Driss El Maloumi - L'âme dansée [The dancing soul] - 2005
    mp3, 192

    01 Calme - Calmness
    02 Nostalgie - Nostalgia
    03 La Lune - The Moon
    04 Badinage
    05 Notes / Naqarate
    06 L'ame dansee - The dancing soul
    07 Enfance - Childhood
    08 Resonance - Resonance
    09 L'elevation meme - The elevation itself
    10 La marche - Promenade

    Driss El-Maloumi was born in Agadir, Morocco in 1970. He went on to study Arab literature at university and also attended the National Musical School of Rabat from 1992-4. As well as Eastern and Western influences, he also incorporated tribal Berber oud playing into his compositions. Driss el-Maloumi has performed throughout Europe, the Middle East and South America, and also participated in the International Oud Meeting.

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    Driss El Maloumi

    "The oud magician" was born on May 25th, 1970. His nickname accurately reflects the remarkable dexterity that Driss El Maloumi possesses on his oriental lute. The moroccan berber is considered one of the best composers, innovators, and performers of this complex instrument. Maloumi also distinguishes himself by opening the instrument’s traditional repertory to encompass western genres like jazz and baroque music. His passion for books (he has a BA in Arabic literature) also infuses refined and poetic interpretations and instills a dreamy, philosophical quality to his recordings of Sufi music. This ability has enabled him to collaborate with established international musicians such as Jordi Savall, Keyvan Chemirani, Omar Bachir and Paolo Fresu. Maloumi's 2005 recording, “Morocco: the dancing soul” consecrated the 35-year-old as one of the instrument’s great Ambassadors.

    Sima Bina - Musique du Nord du Khorassan (Music of Iran)
    Musique du Monde - Music from the World 92636-2

    Sima Bina es una fantástica cantante iraní. Recomiendo a los interesados escuchar también el disco "Melodies of the Sahara" o "Naghmeye Sahra", que aunque no es de este label es un disco maravilloso ( El pass es: heyrodrigo. El link encontrado originalmente aquí: Incluye la canción "Yarab Yarab", que es sublime.

    Esta es otra portada:
    mp3, 192

    A wonderful music.

    Sima Bina
    (from the liner)

    Born in Birdjand, south Khorassan, in the hart of a popular tradition orally transmitted for generations, Sima Bina is now the holder of a vast repertoire of songs and melodies from Khorassan. The subtle technique of classical singing which she has learnt and mastered thanks to the teaching of some of the greatest traditional masters su chas Maaroufi, Zarrin Panjeh and Davami, allowed her to tackle this field with perfect know-how.

    In 1979, following the events which unsettled Iran, at a time when she was one of the most appreciated Iranian singers, Sim Bina was removed from the stage. This disruption with the public, resulting from the Moselm law forbidding women to sing, was nevertheless a decisive turn in her life. This was the start of what the singer calls "a serene wandering".

    She made a series of travels to the four corners of Khorassan. But the oral character of these cultures, the fact that the form, timbre and colour of the songs and melodies change from one region to the next, complicate the task of collecting, stuying and comparing the variants. So the question of the method arose, which could only be solved on the field by a long and meticulous scientific job. Sima Bina's task was even harder in that her concern went beyond the mere recording and deciphering of this material. It consisted in interpreting these songs after "freshening them up and stripping them of the plains' dust".

    During this creative process, Sima Bina sometimes remodels the over repetitive form of the songs or lyrics at times emptied of meaning. She creates, strictly speaking, her own version which she then submits to the approval of masters.

    For this difficult endeavour, she is assisted by poet Mohammad Ebrahim Djafari, who tries to rewrite the songs while respecting their soul, subtleties, history, origin. Complicity comes forth between the singer and the poet but also the dotâr player, Hamid Khézri, who in turn brings his virtuosity to the interpretation of the pieces.

    Sima Bina has thus resuscitated a great part of the "forgotten repertoire" from the plains and mountains of Khorassan.

    She now sings outside Iran, heightening the awareness of various audiences who, via her concerts, have travelled to the heart of Khorassan and its musical tradition.


    1. Allah Mazâré ou Le Rêve du Printemps - the dream of spring
    2. Ma bien-aimée Basanée, quatrains populaires - popular quatrains
    3. Khan Djan
    4. L'éclat du sabre - The sabre's glare
    5. Quatrains populaires - Popular quatrains
    6. Magom (Dotâr)
    7. Alélé, danse populaire - Popular dance

    Moudou Ould Mattalla and the singers of El Mouna - Mauritanie - Guitare des sables [Guitar of the sands] - 2003
    mp3, 192, booklet

    - Moudou Ould Mattalla: Guitar, Musical direction
    - Fatimatou Mint Demine, Mama Mint Mallane, Fatma Mint Messoud, Dida Mint Bilal: Vocals, Handciapping, Tbel Kettledrum


    Mode Karr / Karr Mode

    01 Improvisation

    Mode Varhou / Varhou Mode

    02 Ouezn-Le dattier Mehboula (Ouezn-The Mehboula date tree)
    03 Improvisation
    04 Benja-Oh ma mère Leila (Benja-Oh my mother Leila)
    05 Ouezn-Chaoueda

    Mode Lekhal / Lekhal Mode

    06 Improvisation

    Mode Lebyad / Lebyad Mode

    07 Chor-Meya je t'aime (Chor-Meya i love you)
    08 Ouezn-La joie de la femme (Ouezn-Woman joy)
    09 Improvisation
    10 Chor-Plaise a Dieu qu'il vive longtemps (Chor-Pray God he will live a long time)
    11 Ouezn-La dédicace de l'année (Ouezn-The dedication of the year)
    12 Tebra [Liyeen]

    Mode Lebtayt / Lebtayt Mode

    13 Ouezn-Le sentiment divers (Ouezn-Diverse feeling)
    14 Improvisation

    Chinguetti, cité historique du Sahara. Le guitariste électrique Moudou Ould Mattalla nous promène à travers la musique maure, entre arabesques guitaristiques, improvisations cadencées et chansons féminines des palmeraies. Entre le rural et l’urbain, entre l’acoustique et l’électrique, la musique proposée par Moudou et les chanteuses d’El Mouna rend compte du fil sur lequel Chinguetti cherche son équilibre, oscillant entre campement urbain et ville du désert. Alliant pratiques collectives locales et innovations personnelles, cette musique est également représentative de la culture populaire de la région, où la créativité individuelle puise dans le patrimoine culturel tant local que global, réussissant à donner une solide cohérence aux assemblages les plus hétéroclites. Un peu à l’image de l’effet du désert sur les choses, auxquelles le vent et le sable confèrent vite une patine saharienne qui tend à tout unifier sous une même teinte monochrome. Une patine qui fait également son effet sur les hommes, et inévitablement sur la musique.

    Saludos cordiales

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